Thursday, January 22, 2015

China - Treading Carefully...

Most schools rely on a diverse network of International Agents who are based overseas and whom recommend their institution to parents and students:
Agents whom they entrust with the grave task of invigilating the all important entrance test and ensuring that they honour the commitment displayed by their UKBA highly trusted status.
According to BOSSA (Beijing Overseas Study Service Association) founded in
2004 and supported by the Chinese Ministry of Education and the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, there are currently 454 government licensed agencies in China, mostly deemed as 'small agencies', yet there are thousands of unlicensed agencies operating in the country. With the Chinese market growing at a rate of 8.8% per year, China remains a key market for UK Institutions looking to develop their international intake. Schools bound by their highly trusted status are therefore bound to take great care when choosing their Overseas Agents and Partners.

Here at Bright World Education, the consultancy wing of Bright World, we have a similar undertaking when building relationships with sub agents overseas and therefore treasure those which have span over many years and have stood the test of time. To display our trust and mutual commitment, we now allow a very select number of our Partners with a proven track record and no sub-offices, to invigilate exams for prospective students on our behalf.

For newer Partners or those who introduce sub-offices we insist that they use their local British Council offices to ensure that tests are taken under strict examination conditions.  In China we also offer testing service via our Regional Manager who attends agents' offices to invigilate our examinations.

Some of our partner schools want the extra security offered by Bright World via our policy, our network of secure and trusted agents and in China via our testing service and therefore invite new agents or direct enrolments in China to use Bright World as an agency.  We are keen to expand on these closer relationships with our schools.  We would ask you to get in touch with Sheena Trist, our Director of Admissions if you want to establish such an arrangement. 

Not only does this policy allow us to protect our reputation with our Partner Schools, but it also helps to protect the Schools themselves.

For further information, or if you are interested in learning more about placement and uk guardianship, please get in touch with Sales & Marketing Manager, Charlotte Hamson; email: tel: 01273 835745 

Police inspector joins Bright World

Our new Director of Safeguarding and Operations, Claire Taylor (pictured above) joined the Bright World team on Monday 5th January 2015.  

Claire has served in the police for 17 years and most recently has achieved Inspector rank, working as acting Inspector in Sussex branches. In her new role as Director of Safeguarding & OperationsClaire will bring a wealth of knowledge, specifically in safeguarding, maintaining our processes and upholding policies.
Claire will be working closely with Lana (MD) to achieve our ambitious safeguarding targets and Fiona (Director of Guardianships) to bring together customer service and programme operation. Claire will also heading up our new Travel & Accommodation department.

Because of the great work of our Host Family recruitment Manager, Lindsay Gayler and our Local Coordinators who visit and inspect our families, we are lucky enough to have a large network of excellent Host Families who have not only passed our stringent recruitment process with flying colours, but whom are happy to assist us in an emergency. However even with these families in place, it is inevitable that plans may change. Perhaps the student's parents will decide they now want their child to fly home for the holiday or our Host Family may be met with unforeseen circumstances meaning they cannot host. In order to allow this crucial part of our service to get even better as we grow we have decided to make some changes that will do just this.
Historically it has been the role of our Guardianship Care Managers to arrange and contact Host Families, arranging for them to collect our students from their respective Boarding Schools and care for them during their short holidays. This will now be taken on by this whole new department and will be handled with even more efficiency and with more contemplation. 

Travel & Accommodation Manager, Hannah Newton and her team of Accommodation & Travel Administrators (Leanne Poole & Kate Hewson) will provide an internal service to our Guardianship Care Managers, by arranging transfers and host family stays for all our guardianship students.

For further information, or if you are interested in learning more about placement and uk guardianship, please get in touch with Sales & Marketing Manager, Charlotte Hamson; email: tel: 01273 835745 

Hello from James, Our UK School liaison mananger

At the end of last year we recruited James Graydon-Rhodes as our new UK Schools Liaison Manager to help us develop and nurture our important relationships with our Partner Schools.
James joins Sheena Trist, Carol Gill and Charlotte Hamson in the Marketing and Admissions department; his brief, to learn more about the requirements that you as Schools have in terms of placements and to keep our Schools updated on the latest developments within our expanding guardianship department. 

In order to achieve his goal, James may be keen to pay you a visit in the near future and to feed all the news from his visit back to our Marketing and Admissions department here at head office.
As Bright World's new roving eyes and ears, we hope that James's visits will fully equip for overseas trips. Our current, up to date view and understanding of our Partner School will surely aid us in promoting our Schools to Partner Agents and prospective parents alike.

We hope that you will join us in congratulating James and welcoming him to this new exciting role.

For further information, or if you are interested in learning more about placement and uk guardianship, please get in touch with Sales & Marketing Manager, Charlotte Hamson; email: tel: 01273 835745