Thursday, January 22, 2015

Hello from James, Our UK School liaison mananger

At the end of last year we recruited James Graydon-Rhodes as our new UK Schools Liaison Manager to help us develop and nurture our important relationships with our Partner Schools.
James joins Sheena Trist, Carol Gill and Charlotte Hamson in the Marketing and Admissions department; his brief, to learn more about the requirements that you as Schools have in terms of placements and to keep our Schools updated on the latest developments within our expanding guardianship department. 

In order to achieve his goal, James may be keen to pay you a visit in the near future and to feed all the news from his visit back to our Marketing and Admissions department here at head office.
As Bright World's new roving eyes and ears, we hope that James's visits will fully equip for overseas trips. Our current, up to date view and understanding of our Partner School will surely aid us in promoting our Schools to Partner Agents and prospective parents alike.

We hope that you will join us in congratulating James and welcoming him to this new exciting role.

For further information, or if you are interested in learning more about placement and uk guardianship, please get in touch with Sales & Marketing Manager, Charlotte Hamson; email: tel: 01273 835745