Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Fiona Walters and Lana Foster visit Rossall School

Recently, Fiona and Lana visited Rossall School and met with the Registrar, Michelle Metcalf and other members of the team. 
Lancashire is a new area for us and Rossall School is an important new partner for Bright World.  We also went along with Liz Trist, our new Local Coordinator for Lancashire. 
You may recognise the surname - and yes, she is related to our Director of Admissions Sheena who is her sister in law.  We are delighted to already be receiving guardianship student enrolments for Rossall School and are more than ready as Liz has been doing a great job of inspecting new host families in the area.  We have some really lovely families all waiting and looking forward to hosting our Rossall Guardianship students in the next academic year.

 Liz Trist. Local Co-ordinator for Lancashire